Rhod Gibert's Best Bits エピソード・リスト

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Rhod Gilbert on BBC Radio Wales.

If you are listening to this, you are listening to Rhod Gilbert's Best Bits, some of the best bits of my Saturday morning radio show, live on BBC Radio Wales. This week, I'm in my kitchen in London. My co-host is Lucy Beaumont. And Barry Castagnola drops in for Lunch Club. 

We have had some, uh, emails and things in the week, uh, Lucy. So, I'll read one out to you. / Yeah. / It says here, "Hi, Rhod, just listening to a podcast a couple of weeks ago, you commented on ... you commented on how strange it was for people to purchase different elements of their chippy tea from different chipshops." ... Did I? I don't remember. This is from Cathy in Forest of Dean. I don't remember / it is quite strange / to buy different elements / different chipshops / isn't it? / I must have been saying it is weird ... somebody must have said, "I get / sausage from ... / Yeah? / ... from one place and / go / curry sauce from another one, and ... have you ever done that? / __ __ __ __ should do that. / You think it's ... it's actually objectionable?  / Yeah. I ... I think, they ... / Insulting? / It is insulting. / __ what Cathy says / my h__ / for years",  she says / each fortnight, he buys / from one shop, ... / Huh huh, / ... drives down the road, buys a small pour of curry sauce from another shop." That ... that seems ... / From a chipshop? / Presumably from another chipshop / or is it from / if it __s from a Chinese, that might be different then, 'cause __ __ __ __ curry from / Cathy doesn't say __ ... I'll carry on / half / email. See if she __s / each time they / quizzically look at him / ask / second shop / just having curry saurce / Huh huh / each time they would quizzically look at him and / "Any chips for that?" / チップスは?/ he eventually got fed up / every time / now he replies, "No, thanks, I will drink it in the car on the way home. / チップスはいらないよ。このソースは帰りに車の中で飲むために買ったんだから。 / I'm not sure which promotes the most quizzical look / curry sauce / or the thought / drinking it in the car / says / long-time podcast (listener) / they are quite weird / strange community down there. No offense, Forest of Dean, but you are weird, aren't you? / is that / have you ever done that? / do get better chips in one place and better fish in another / coming back to me / this whole thing. I'm sure we covered / exhaustively in a show / I think I've done it myself. I think I've got / better fish / chips in another / you've got me thinking, actually / 'cause / that I do like / even fish / have you ever done it? You're from Hull. When you were growing up in Hull ... they've got good fish & chips shops there, haven't they? / excellent / best / a __ once in London / What? At the ... at the state of / fish & chips / in London / it costs 12 quid, and it was just awful. / It's unbelievable. / Ahgg ... / It is ... it is a tenner here for fish & chips. / and now, 'cause we have / chip spice / you know / What chip spice? / Well, exactly. / like a secret. / it's only in Hull / I don't understand / allowed to say / never heard of it. I'm 46 this year / I __ ... / I played in Hull many many times. / It's not __ __ __ __. This chip spice is called __ chip spice. But nobody knows where it comes from / it's / like / made of / really got me going / a different / it's not like / chicken sauce or something,  is it? / No. / You know they do that in Australia. They put that chicken sauce stuff on / No. Uh, it's like, orange / the chicken sauce stuff is orange. / チキンソースもオレンジ色だよ / it's not got chicken in it. / Are you sure? / Yeah. It's like paprika, and, it's, like, a special formula / Only in Hull? / You can't get it anywhere else. And I'm thinking about bringing it / I don't know / you could be, like, Hull's / what's that ... what was that sauce he brought out / Dragons' Den / Reggae Reggae. / Reggae Reggae Sauce. You could do the same for Hull / You'd need to get a jingle. / コマーシャルソングを作らなきゃ / we'll sort this out in a minute / think / uh / I'll tell you what. It is slim pickings from the paper this morning / our first feature is / let us know / from another one / but, hey, it'll do for now.

Hi, guys. I had cod from one chipshop, and nextdoor to the chipshop was a Chinese takeaway. And I had / what's he gonna say, L__? / his cod from one chipshop / goes / nextdoor / Chips? / "Chips" is __ the answer __ was looking for. / cod from one chipshop, nextdoor to the chipshop / a Chinese takeaway / bean sprouts / No. / That's it / these people / That's it. No explanation / __ __ from __ __ / his cod in one place, and his bean sprouts / says / Chinese / no explanation / get cod. I don't wanna brag / I do know a lot about fish / 自慢じゃないけど、魚にはちょっと詳しいのよ / talking about / from fishing family, Rhod / my great grandad was on the trawlers and, honest to god, he got washed overboard and washed back on again. / ... That's such a fisherman's tale / it isn't / fall for that / every trawlerman says that. / Does he? / the time __ got washed overboard / by a whale / funny / back out again / 鯨に飲み込まれて脱出したって話もよく聞くよな。 / innit? / well-known / a well-known one, that. / Pinocchio ... Pinocchio did that. / Pinocchio didn't / eaten by whale / I think he was lying / again / you've got to watch Pinocchio. / ピノキオをちゃんと観たほうがいいよ / w__ else __ __ believe / ... This is from Richard in St. George ... "I know someone ...", says / who buys / in / south / beautiful, / Hmm. / beautiful, sunny resort, uh ... lovely beach / lovely f__ / nice vertical slide that I was scared of / child / blue in color / hi / chips in Barry, curry in Campton, and / chicken in P__ / and eat them together. / Wow / Now / This is a song. / Is ... / __ __ __ / I know someone who buys / curry in / thing / on the coast near Cardiff / you know the blue slide, vertical / yeah / chicken in __, not too far away / again / another little resort / seaside near Cardiff / it's a bit of a drive to get / chips in B__ / bit / you do risk / chips being / presuming that he's doing it in chronological order / ここに書かれてあるとおりの順番で調達していくと想定すると / and then, Campton ... the producer / we think / Campton / in Bedfordshire / is there another Campton near ... near Barry in __? Otherwise you're going / your chicken near Cardiff / to get your curry sauce, which seems a little ... I would say ... we need to hear from that person. Richard, get that person in touch / Or is there another Campton? / chip / This is, uh ... this is very forward. / 藪から棒! / This is your first time co-hosting this show, Lucy. I'm not sure you're ready for this. Have I ever had ...? Repeat the question, please / have / play along / home listeners / Imagine you are me. Put yourself in my seat now. / asking / Rhod / or listener / Have you ever had a saveloy? / can you put a clock on this? / Clock on it? / you know, like ... / so I c__ put pressure on the question / 緊張感を出すために / production team in Cardiff just came in my ear / we haven't got one / I was just asking ... I was just asking Lucy to do it ... to do, to do it vocally. Uh ... Have I ever had a saveloy? ... / ... from a fish & shop / yes, Rhod / Have you? / Yeah. / Is that it? / それだけ? / Feature 2 ... Feature 2, ladies  and gentlemen. ... Let's have some music. ... Have you ever had / saveloy from a chip shop / don't bother phone in.

Look at this / look at / I almost feel guilty about this text / in / show / nothing in the papers / got / have you got a saveloy from a chip shop? / Lucy "beautiful mountain". And what was the ... what was ... I can't even remember the other one / oh yeah, "Do you buy component / buy / near / his chips, I think it was / in Barry / near Cardiff, and then drives to Campton, which / established / either in Bedfordshire / which must / journey / to get / curry sauce / New Hampsire in the States. / I know / seems incredible. / curry sauce must be __ very superior product / breakdown / hey, who knows / it's a shame / sad / really, isn't it? / sad / it's a shame / to be honest / used to be the jingle / BBC Radio ... It's a shame. / tweet / in / David / bbcradiowales / guilty about this / listening to the legend, that is Rhod Gilbert / BBC Radio Wales / no better way to start a Saturday afternoon / I find that very hard to believe / today / come / before / join / Lucy posed the, uh ... well, __ __ __ vexed question / saveloy / have you ever had / "No." says / now, you saw / go / exactly / exactly / point you are making / because I don't / need for them / I think / I think / sort of / they feel they should have them on the menu,  / 単なる義務感だけでメニューに載せているのではないかしら。 / and I don't think __ people actually, um, purchase them / chipshop owners are putting (them) on their menu just / some sense of, just some sense of a ... sort of ... a sort of / obligation / really / sort of, false ... / Yes. I think ... yeah / what would you do with the extra, sort of, frying space / pickled eggs in / jar / I can tell something about them. / Huh? / Some of those pickled eggs have been there for ... are you sitting down / yeah, yeah / I know. I can see you / perfectly seated / see / chair / stick / other side / still / sitting down. Uh ... or, if you're not, have a seat / been / for 50 minutes / inviting to take a seat / Lucy beaumont. Uh ... what was I talking about? ... What was I gonna say to you? / Pickled eggs? / Oh, the pickled eggs. ... Do you wanna know? This is ... / Huh huh. / get ready __ __ record / some of those pickled eggs have been there for over ten years. / No. / Yeah. / You ... what? Just ... generally? In / ... in the jar / in the average chipshop? / on the counter / Some of them. / Woh-oh / Yeah. / That's not good, is it? / No. / __ __ tell __ __? 

Rhod / BBC Radio Wales

Barry Castagnola / just / Barry Castagnola / sometimes / co-host of the show today / second / for Lunch Club / just for / Lunch Club / you made the, uh ... observation / off-air / the off-air / yeah yeah yeah / off-air observation / Barry said / did you ask / I didn't turn up for the first hour / turn / first hour when I was supposed to co-host a few weeks ago / why did you tell / a couple of weeks ago / due to co-host / Coffee Morning and Lunch Club / yeah / pretend / there / mix-up in the bookings, but, actually what happened / I woke up / ten to eleven / you woke up at ten to eleven / awful / Coffee Morning / BBC Radio Wales / you were supposed to co-host / and / minutes / I didn't ... why / you / do that / I  didn't bark like a dog / I've overslept, mate, I've overslept / I feel so bad. I've overslept / the most embarrassed / since I went to school on a Saturday / maybe more embarrassed / I did enjoy that / went-to-school-on-Saturday story / all dressed up / went / so keen a little student was he / you know one of those teacher-training days / school / and I was waving / woman / I wanted to say / come back, __ __ __ / ... me, then? / Eh? / It's not just me, then? / another feature / we've almost got too much now / almost / too much now / you / often,  do you? / ゲストを呼ぶことにあまり慣れていないようだな。 / show / how dare you? How dare you? / 何だと? 聞き捨てならん。 / mug tree / you haven't even got / BBC / BBC Radio / it's a shame! / It is a shame. We ... we have, / tweet / it's already been t__t / do you know what? / no reason / for the guest / the truth of the situation is this / show from my kitchen here in London / it's all / two mic-stands and two microphones, one for me, and one for the co-host / third guest / we do sometimes / people drop in / from time to time / you, today ... but we haven't got / my mug tree with a microphone gaffa-taped / so accustomed to / now to this / maybe, now / BBC / closure / money / that's gonna save / BBC は ... で金をだいぶ節約できたはずだから / get you another mic-stand / case / I quite like the mug tree now / honest / it works perfectly well / you actually / third voice / Yeah. It's / initiation, isn't it? / I remember you saying / lower branches / it works perfectly well. I think it's an interesting / Radio Wales is all about. ... It's a shame ! / almost / on the go today / level / school / when / supposed to / little uniform / so keen. ... That's so you. / quite a big child / chubby / how old / how old was I / 11 / when you went to school on a Saturday / features / going today / question / to ask / the vexed question / I'll tell you what, the phone / is going  off the wall / Barry / little / clock going / tick, tick, tick, tick / if you want / allowed to use / I think / sort / other clocks are available. / OK. Other clocks are available. ... I'll do a vatiation. / Barry / sorry / that was too similar / sorry, sorry / off / Barry, / Yes? / ... We haven't established how long you've got to answer this / could be all day / p.m. / カッ、チッ、カッ、チッ、カッ、チッ ... 制限時間をまだ決めてなかったな。 / ever / from a chipshop / from a chip shop / never / chipshop / let's rewind. / Right. OK. / I'm assuming / answer / a lot of our listeners / including / Little Jack / the producer, / That's unbelievable. / from a Welsh chip shop / definitely not / have / I haven't been looking / how just, ... you know / of course I will / next time you are in God's country / have a look / This is a tweet from D__ / some / sharing a secret / nobody / listening / ten years ... over ten years / some / on / Absolutely nothing. / just / for years / shipshop owner, get back / process / come back / Oh yeah / never change / actually / all / pickled on the day and then / jar / local / geese / park / chipshop owners / re: old pickled eggs / what's the oldest / almost out-of-date / you've eaten / off the top of my head / you've eaten / I do do / the three-second rule / admit / absolutely, yeah / why would you? / something / nibble / I don't like / I am a bit of a ... of a ... / out-of-date ... use-by date ninja / who lived with me for a while / he used to smell stuff / bear to smell it / he'd eat it / においを嗅いでみる。そして我慢できるくらいのにおいだったら食べていた。 / fridge / was clearly, totally off ... even without opening it / open it / the stench of vinegar / hit / as long as / put / noste / I would say / I'm a bit like that / with underpants.

dear / few / new / couple / little / clearly on auto-pilot / I was in the staff room / sat / staff room / odd / greeting me like a long-lost friend / coffee / old school / when my then-boyfriend / teacher / very surprised to see me / good story, I would say / we also one from / Chris __ in Cardiff / once / school / yeah / school / inset day / which I ... / assume / school / I was the only pupil / attendance / ボクは出席率 101% をマークした唯一の生徒です / very nice, uh, Chris __

You know / earlier / drive / together / story about the phone / Lucy Beaumont / down / this week / I did a good deed / not / at all / Right. / good / I found / I was / back / taxi / I remember the story / phone / new / others are available / new / big / know / sounds like you're impersonating me. / I detected from that noise / not that interested in the phone / somebody will ring it / owner / got / need / perhaps / coffee / return your phone / locked / could / midnight / phone / on the table / waiting for it to ring / past / twelve / somebody called Max / Right. / Max called. / pick / too late. I missed it. / missed the call / somehow, I don't know how, / press / the name / some / it happened. Just believe it. It happened / rang / answer / I left a message. I said / so / around the bush / Rhod / telling the story / listening to this show / know / me / saying / Rhod Gilbert radio show / no / point / who / listening to the show / anyway, I rang / here's my number / said / obviously / so, either ring this phone again or / my / OK / message / again / do you know / phone / my girlfriend's phone / got / a nice chap, so / you know / did you tell him you are a nice chap? / I did / nice / feet / nice / steal / looking only to return / calling / just to torture them / getting / a million / ransom / fifty / 50 pounds, yeah. 50 / game / price / blackmail / anyway, I said / yeah / in London. Where are you? / I said / do you wanna meet / could you pop in a taxi? / Hhh? / Could you pop in a taxi for me? / and I thought / uh / yeah / where are you? / was / in a hotel / pop in a taxi for you / and then / I was expecting him to say / arrange / long way away / cost / Nothing. / so / just went / OK / I suppose I could / I guess / supo ... / somethng about / financial / not a sausage, not a saveloy / nothing. Nothing at all. No mention / go / so gobsmacked. And then / mention the money / didn't / Hhh / cab / 15 quid, it cost me / sixty / had / take / say / somewhere / hopefully / somebody / they won't do that / right / so / did / you know / do / I'm a nice person. I'll do / phone / any / my phone ring / doing / text / doing / money / about / not a sausage / phone back / not even a text saying "Thanks" / A / finding / about / sending / not a sausage / not / tell / I am done with it. Done. Never / say / believe / outrageous / listening / feels bad / I don't think / eight listeners / I know / on / instead of ringing / number / Terrible. / Yeah.

I don't think / definitely / pink sausage / is a type of highly seasoned sausage usually / from / people / this / right now / Chimp Quiz / today / I have decided / raised / this / come as / I imagine / mixed reception / very relieved / most of / indifferent / five indifferent / one / Chimp Quiz is gone. / why / I just thought / once / indulgent / insult / gone. ... OK? Let's move on / saveloy quiz / description / don't know / should / highly spiced pink sausage / Lucy / yeah / in one sentence / come on / give / highly seasoned / word / originate from / true / hang / which means what? / Latin / brain / give / pig / scores / one / Lucy / saveloy / by / commonly / 20th / 1950's, Lucy / yeah / commonly / was / still is / 26 / 26 inches / 26 / 19 / Rhod / yeah / You idiot. / confusing / two / plays / current champion / think / so much better than Chimp Quiz. Saveloy Quiz. / I love it. 

if / rhod / bbc / 11 till 1.


Rhod Gilbert's Best Bits エピソード・リスト